Senin, 27 Februari 2012

Tmobile G1 Browser vs Blackberry Bold Browser

How does the browser interface and the way it is displayed compared against the G1's Browser vs the BB Bold's Browser??

Has anyone experienced both and have any info on it?
I'm currently a BB Bold User, I don't have MUCH complaints about the browser, it does what I need it to do, but of course it doesn't look like a regular desktop browser like the IPHONE.

Curve vs Palm Pro

I just picked up my first smart phone (Curve) and after only a week I really like it. But after searching for videos and features I wonder if the new Palm Pro might not be a better match for me. Some of the things I like about my BB:
  • Email works with Hotmail and Gmail
  • Email pushes quickly
  • Sound quality seems very good for calls
  • Calendar and contacts sync with GoogleSync
  • Keyboard is a nice size

The only problem is that when I look at a Win Mobile smart phone like the Palm Pro, I think it would do all those things just as well - the only unknown is the sound quality and the keyboard and that's more hardware than software or platform.

Here's what I'm not happy about with my BB:
  • No to-do software to link to RTM or Toodledo
  • Calendar interface a bit ugly
  • No included software to create / update documents like Word or Excel
  • No way to load/share documents to a cloud location like skydrive or mesh or google docs (I think)
  • Browser is a bit clunky

What has me wondering if the Curve was a good pick for me is the fact that I think a Win Mobile device could handle all these other items better. The integration with Office documents is a nice feature to have and being able to communicate with Microsoft Live or Mesh would be useful. I don't imagine the to-do, calendar, and browser will be as nice as on my iPod Touch, but I think they would be better.

So I'm trying to decide without having any experience with Windows Mobile or any other device. From what I read everyone likes a BB for it's email capability but I can see so much more possible with a smart phone after just using my dinky iPod Touch in WiFi spots. Plus, seems like all smart phones handle email pretty well these days too so I'm not sure what I'd be giving up by going to Win Mobile.

I am having fun with my Curve so don't take this as a slam or rant, but I'm a bit frustrated with not being able to progress much further to areas like to-do lists and even web browsing. To make it worse, I think with Sprint a Palm Pro would cost $15 a month for data while the BB contract requires $30 a month. I have no idea why it's twice as much either.

I'd love to hear from others who had Win Mobile and prefer BB and why.

Minggu, 26 Februari 2012

Thinking Of Giving Up My Blackberry For...

I have been a Blackberry user for several years -- most recently, have gone from 8320 to the Bold. It does what I want it to do (email), but I miss other things I could elegantly do on it -- the web, photos, etc. I admire the iPhone a lot -- although the fact that it's email functions were pretty crappy (until now) put me off (keyboard was fine though) and now the new Palm Pre...I called my enterprise company and they said they think the Pre is fantastic and the best of both worlds. I am out of the country now, so I haven't seen it at all. But am wondering if anyone has any experience with it. Plus, my big concern: the keyboard. I'm "spoiled" by the Blackberry's keyboard. Will I be able to adjust??? Thanks for any feedback.

Iphone? or stay with BB

I had the Motorola Q phone which featured MS Activesync. I loved that feature that would push email, tasks, calendar and contacts over the air. However the phone itself was a POC and dropped calls all the time. Friends said to get the Blackberry. OK, I give in. First surprise it does not sync with exchange server without a $3,000 software addition. We are a small company so that is not where I want to invest my profits, so I utilize Google mail that gets pushed from exchange and Google calendar sync and hook up usb once a week to sync contacts. Not the most ideal situation. Looked at Unite and that does not seem ready for primetime. So now comes the new iphone that now incorporates Activesync. Wife has first generation iphone and I have to say that it works as claimed.
Without the BB exchange software everything is pretty much a workaround. I love this phone but the BB seems more tailored to bigger businesses. I miss the wireless sync with Activesync and will most likely get the new iphone when released. So my question is, am I missing something with my Blackberry?
Thx in advance

Have any BB users tried iPhone? Comparable at all? Prob going to try one out....

Let me start by saying that I am a pretty hard-core Blackberry fan. I've had a Blackberry for over a year now, and it is absolutely an amazing device and has made my life so much simpler, easier and more efficient.

BUT, I was given a gift certificate large enough to cover the cost of a brand-new iPhone and am probably going to pull the trigger on it within a day or so.

I know that everyone has seen one and played with one for a short period of time, but what I really want to know is have any Blackberry users really put an iPhone through its paces for WORK?

Can the iPhone compare at all to a Blackberry?

I rely *very heavily* on my Blackberry for, of course, e-mail and calendar and since the Blackberry was built from the ground up around these and other work features, and the iPhone was not, I'm of course very skeptical that I will be as happy with the iPhone as I am with my Blackberry.

I think I'm going to go ahead and give it a shot - I have 14 days to return the iPhone if I just cannot make it work, but I want to see what everybody else's experiences have been so I have some idea of what I'm getting myself into.

I'm also getting tired of waiting for the new blackberry bold.

Sabtu, 25 Februari 2012

BlackBerry Vs Windows Mobile

I have been a Windows Mobile user for about 3-4 years and recently got a BlackBerry Curve. I am really beginning to wonder what the big deal is about the BlackBerry phones compared to the Windows Mobile phones. The Windows Mobile data plans are almost half the price as the BlackBerry plans. Plus the other thing I have found it the E-Mail use is much better on the Windows Mobile phones. On the BlackBerry you can only see 30 days worth of e-mail and on the Windows Mobile phones you can see all E-Mails. Also on my BlackBerry my BIS E-Mails accounts do not delete messages on the server when deleting them on the phone where the WM does on both POP3 and IMAP accounts and on WM I can see all subfolders on IMAP accounts where on the BB you can not. The biggest thing I hear about the BlackBerry is the push E-Mail but if I receive an E-Mail from my exchange account they come in within seconds on each other so WM does have full push E-Mail. Other than having the ability to monitor or control the phone in a business I don?t see what the big deal is. If someone can let me know other features I am missing please let me know. I?m not complaining about the BB but I?m just trying to understand what the big deal is.

Blackberry VS IPhone

Just wondering if anybody had a blackberry and switched to a Iphone. I have a blackberry and i love it, but the iphone looks really good too. Or did somebody get an iphone and wished they kept there bb. thanks

Why my iPhone is better than your phone..

While some of you have no choice in using BB's because of work reason others may like it's simplicity. I for one can't live with all the software problems it has and only have one because it's given to me free by my company. I only use it for BB messenger and that's it.

Anyway I just want to brag and tell you guys how awesome my iPhone is (Once you jailbreak it)

Here are the reason why my iPhone is the best phone on the market:

I have video ringtones. A video plays when I get a call and I can assign everyone a different video whether it be a music video, home video, etc.

Accelerometer makes everything so much better for games, and different utilities, too many to name.

Time Crisis on my iPhone, yes people the game. This is where the accelerometer comes in.

Panoramic Photos so I can take up to 5 pictures and combine them into one long landscape picture.

I can blow on my iPhones speaker and play the Ocarina (it's an app from appstore, youtube it)

I don't get software issues on my iPhone at all. Once in a blue blue blueee moon you'll get a freeze. Nothing that a reboot can't fix.

Live video streaming so I can record videos on my iPhonea and random peole and friends can view it live on the internet while I'm recording!!

So many other things I can do. This does everything except wipe my ass but hopefully that'll be in the next update.

I just wanted to brag about this because I laugh everytime I come to this site and read everyones problems. I have a heart so that's why I help out because I once felt your pain. I fix these phones every single day and know them top to bottom, left to right.

Anyway guys make the switch you won't be disappointed.

Long time BB user heavily considering the Pre

I'm currently using the 8900 and I've been with T-Mobile since the first Pearl launched. I've been extremely happy with T-Mobile's customer service, and for the most part, I've loved my Blackberries.

I was very intrigued by the Pre at the CES conference, but then the 8900 launched and I couldn't resist. For the most part I love the 8900, but compared to my previous Blackberries is has a horrible time keeping an EDGE connection for some reason, which is quite annoying. Also, I'm getting frustrated with T-Mobile's lack of 3G in my area and it doesn't look like we'll be getting it any time soon.

Now that the Pre has been released and I've had time to play with it, and read more hands-on reviews, I'm strongly considering it for a few reasons.

1) The WebOS platform is amazing. I like it better than any other smartphone I've seen out there (iPhone, G1, BB, etc.). As a matter of fact, the BB OS is really starting to feel outdated. I love the amount of 3rd party apps that are available for the BB now, but when all is said and done, it still feels like the "same old".

2) Sprint's $99mo Simply Everything plan blows every other carrier's plans out of the water. Even if I paid the early termination fee with T-Mobile, it would only take me about 8 mos to recoup my cost, and over the course of the remaining 16 mos of my contract I'd save $400! And I'd be getting more for my money! Seems like a no brainer.

3) 3G EVDO: download speeds on the Pre are awesome. Side-by-side comparisons have shown the Pre Browser to be faster than the iPhone's and it shows more content.

Don't get me wrong, the 8900 is a beautiful device and BB has been my friend for about 4 years now, but I think they're falling behind the curve. (no pun intended)

Jumat, 24 Februari 2012

Bold Vs. Iphone

Just purchased my first BB (Bold). I'm impressed. Then a co-worker showed me his Iphone he bought for about $60. 16gb memory!.
How can I convince my co-worker that the BB is Better?

Also, this looks like a great forum.....

Black Berry Vs. A Brick To The Face

Well I for one would say that a Blackberry is way more useful that a brick to the face......but thats just me.Anybody els?

What would make you buy the iphone?

With macworld coming up, I was just curious what features the iphone would need to have for you to go over to the dark side......

iPhone vs. Blackberry (or Nokia) revisited

Remember this? Some guy loves his Nokia E70 so much and has such a hate built up for the iPhone that he took the time to put his rant on a web page. I've noticed at work that the iPhone is the fastest growing device out there. Like mushrooms, every day a few more spring up in the hands of co-workers. Now, I'm perhaps the biggest Apple fanboi you're ever going to run across. I have several PowerMacs, PowerBooks, MacBooks, and even an iMac in the house. I have Apple TV and just about every generation of iPod ever made. It's like that movie "Field of Dreams" when they say, "If you build it they will come." Well, if Steve and company build it, I will buy it. Except the iPhone. For some reason the iPhone does nothing for me. Perhaps it's my discovery that a Blackberry is the ideal communication device for me so there's no rough edges for the iPhone to get it's hooks into. But this page just doesn't get old: The iPhone is a piece of shit, and so is your face.

Kamis, 23 Februari 2012

Blackberry Hardware falling behind?

Looking at the phone out right now and phone being introduced at MWC '09 it looks like Blackberry is YEARS behing in Hardware and its UI.
Even WinMon is beginning to look ALOT better then the BB OS. Palm took a huge step forwad with its webOS to compete in a much more competitive smartphone market place.
Just looking at Hardware iPhone, n97, diamond2 touch pro2, Palm Pre, e75, TG01. Those and more completely destroy BB in terms of Hardware. software is subjective to the user so i wont touch that. UI however it seems to to be a bit lacking. Android, iPhone Os, WebOS, possibly WinMo all have nicer loking OSes than BB.

Ireally hope the Blackberry comes out with something big this year. Not just the same old stuff with QWERTY or suretype keyboard with a slick skin on an aging OS.

What do you guys think?

which BB Model is better than 8100

I want about the same size phone as the 8100 not the bigger bulky models

iphone back to 8800

well i tried the iphone for the 2nd time since it came out and i ended up returning it i thought with all the software upgrades and thinking i might get used to the touch screen . well i was wrong after 5 days of haveing the iphone i am back to my 8800,8300,8700,9500,9300,P990i yea i love them all because they all have blackberry service . good to be back lol. what was i thinking going to a freaking iphone. i must of been drunk.

Blackberry vs. MS WinMo 6

Can anyone help on this question.

I have a PDA win mo 6 and its syncs well with my outlook seamlessly. Can either the new blackberries Storm or 9000 series do the same and keep all my information in my black berry?

Can I get rid of my PDA and replace it with a BB?


Rabu, 22 Februari 2012

BlackBerry Storm vs. Samsung Omnia i900 : Battle of the iPhone Killers


I just browsed the net and found a great match for BlackBerry - Samsung's Iphone Killer - Omnia i900. It boasts a 3.2 inch touchscreen design with a sleek black gloss 12.5mm thick finish. It also has Windows for its OS with the Opera Mobile 9.5 web browser. It also has (get this noted) 5MP camera, WIFI ready, a built in radio and up to 16GB internal memory.
Now compared to the iPhone 3G and a single 2MP camera at the back, the Omnia has also a camera above the screen for video calling and taking pictures.

In comparison to the release of the BlackBerry Storm, which is touted to be another iPhone killer with its touchscreen navigation technology, 3.2 MP camera, 1GB internal memory, a Roxio Media Manager and 3G capabilities; I guess the Omnia is a pretty a tough competitor in the Mobile/PDA market.

So what's your take on this battle of the iPhone killers?

Blackberry vs. Anything...

I've been using PDA's since the early 1990's. Palm was legendary for doing four things really well; contacts, calendar, tasks and memo's. Then Palm got stuck on stupid and, well, the rest is history. I finally threw in the Palm towel over a year ago.

Then I had a WM device (Q9m) for a year. Oh god, there's 373 days of my life I can't get back.

After much hand-wringing, wailing and gnashing of teeth (and that was just my wife) I finally broke down and got myself an 8330.

I've had it since early September. It hasn't been turned off or rebooted or battery removed or thrown into the ice cube maker since then.

The Blackberry is, for me, what the Palm devices were in the early days. Very stable, very functional and a near perfect user interface.

Although I'm a geek, for me, stuff has to be functional. I don't have stuff for the sake of having stuff. Like a good pair of shoes, I hope my 8330 lasts a loooong time, because (in my best Forrest Gump) it sure is comfortable.

And that's all I got to say about that...

Sprint Instinct vs. BB Curve

Hello All,

I was reading today about a new device caled the Samsung Instinct on the Sprint network. I wanted to query the knowledge trust as to what they thought of the device. My wife wants to trade her 8700c for an iphone. My arguement was that it does not handle email very securely and it's too expensive. Those have worked for now.

Has anyone seen or used this phone. Would he interface be easier for someone who is not technically savvy. Main uses for her BB are email, phone and web.

Any thoughts are appreciated.

Hi, Windows vs Blackberry?

Hi, I realize that this is not the best place to ask these questions, but I?m a business owner and I?m trying to drill down on what is best Windows Mobile or Blackberry? It?s a question that just keeps coming up, Windows Mobile user?s rate Windows and Blackberry users rate Blackberry?s. Does anyone have and run both?
If Blackberry is the way forward what model is the best?

Go easy guy?s I?m just trying to find out what device is going to be best for our sales agents.



Selasa, 21 Februari 2012

BB vs Sidekicks?

Anyone got anything to say about this?

I'm a Blackberry owner, but never owned a sidekick (i dont even know what company makes it, im guessing motorolla?)..... I've noticed many people around me using sidekicks, and was just wondering how those were? I know they are focus more towards the younger crowd.

Do you think BlackBerrys will ever become the next "sidekicks" ?

It ain't a BB, but Motorola is showing something new...

Motorola US - Experience Krave ZN4

Gmail on Blackberry vs. iPhone

Hey guys,

I've had my iPhone since it came out now...about a year. It still works fine but I'm just getting a little bored, having the same phone for 12 months. I had an 8700 back in the day and my attention's starting to turn to the Blackberry Bold as a possible replacement. (I don't wanna pay $200 to get a new iPhone--same phone just with faster internet).

So now my question: I love how Gmail works with the iPhone. Everything's perfectly reconciled, always. I know a large part of this is the fact that Gmail added IMAP in the past year. When I had my Blackberry, Gmail was pretty cumbersome. The duplicate sent messages, deleting from web doesn't delete from phone (but deleting from phone deletes from web), marking a message read on one doesn't mark as read on the other, etc. Now that Gmail has IMAP, is Blackberry Gmail just as seemless as iPhone Gmail or not really?


Apple "fanboy-ism" totally clueless????

Apparently there was a rumor of a possibility of a potential announcement about an unannounced product, so although the store inside is open 24/7...

iPhone line forms at Apple's flagship for absolutely no reason

Gotta love those Apple fanboys!

Senin, 20 Februari 2012

Treo 800w vs Curve?

I recently purchased my first smartphone.... a Treo 800w (on Sprint). When I bought it, it appeared to be the newest, best phone. After about two weeks of "fumbling" with it, I'm now considering the other options - mostly the Blackberry Curve. I get 30 days to exchange. The 800w does offer alot of features, but it seems like the software could be much more user friendly. I also purchased my wife an Instinct. It's a great phone, also with many features and very user friendly, but it does not offer push email - which is also important to me.
Since I don't know one smartphone OS from another at this point, if anyone out there has used both the 800w and the Blackberry, can you please give me a brief non-biased comparison..... pro/cons of the Blackberry compared to the Treo 800w?
Thanks...... My apologies for posting about the Treo on the Blackberry forum (However, I also noticed there are also alot more prople viewing this forum than the 800w forum).

Any BB and iPhone owners out there?

Having owned an iPod Touch since they came out I'm seriously thinking of buying an iPhone to use along with my BB 8820. As I'm extremely BB focused and receive work emails (BES) 24x7, I'm wondering about the logistics of carrying two devices where one is purely work and one is for "fun". Anyone doing this regularly? As I read work emails nights, weekends, and vacations, I can't just ditch the BB during those periods (yeah I need a life).

I don't ever see the iPhone replacing my BB even with the upcoming Activesync Exchange support (although we probably will allow Exchange attach in the future).

I do not want this to turn into a BB vs iPhone discussion, as I already understand the pros and cons of both quite well. I'm just curious if I will get my $500 worth of "fun" out of the iPhone while I'm still "tethered" to my BB for most of my waking hours .

More iPhone vs. BB

This one bets BB in the enterprise.

Bye-bye, BlackBerry? Not so fast | InfoWorld | Analysis | 2008-06-16 | By Tom Kaneshige

Interesting comparison of iPhone vs. BlackBerry

iPhone vs. BlackBerry: Which Wins

The little girl in the video is cute, and kinda funny.

The parts where the guy says it takes 'hours' to set up BlackBerry email and that he needs to replace his device due to his trackball having issues...well, he's obviously didn't come here and SEARCH first

Minggu, 19 Februari 2012

Which Smartphone should I buy..

Well, because I am a "phone freak" I have the urge to get another phone. I have had the Pearl and the Curve. I am thinking about either Palm, Tilt, or the iphone.

I know you all may be bias, but I just want "the best"


Really want to want the Bold over the Iphone vs2

I have been debating back and forth over the last few days about a decision to move from the iPhone v.1 to v.2 BUT really like some of the benefits of the BB stuff particularly the yet to be released BOLD. I used to work for Cingular (or whatever they call it now AT&T mobility) and used the 8700 solely. When I left I swore I wouldn't use anything other than just a regular phone but my tech side kicked in and I bought an iphone. Rather than try and hack someone elses iphone vs. bold thread I would rather ask my own since I have some specific needs / wants.

I love the internet on the iphone and that is the only main point for me, and I use itunes but don't 'have' to have it. Form factor is okay, hate the non "real" gps options, apps are cool but you can get 3rd party stuff for just about anything on a bb.

What draws me back to the bb is it's is an awesome device, great gps options, real keyboard, easier to type on, really durable and I think better call quality. I also like the ability for the bb devices to sync w/ Microsoft outlook. I don't care too much for the way itunes has to interfere w/ syncing my calander. My concern is that I would not be / prob. never will be on a BES again. Would it make sense to get the bb using BIS only, kinda seems like not using the bb for what it is? My biggest concern is the internet as I use about 40 to 60 megs / month (incl. a fair amount of email w/ attachments) which I don't think includes usage on wi-fi but using the internet so much is a product of the iphone being so good at it. I really only have to be able to read the news and weather. Also, this forums rocks over any iphone forum which is a point most folks don't give much weight.

Would I be terribly dissapointed w/ the bb over the iphone?

bold vs. iphone... i know but this may be different

Wirelessly posted

When I get my tax money back I am going to be buying a new phone. But I need some info or input. I currently have the 8310 on att and like it a lot. I don't use it for work at all. I live oin upstate ny if that matters. I'm trying to decide between the 3g iphone and the bold. I have read probably every comparrison on this site. As well as the boy geniouse one and still don't know what to get.
It will be strickly for personal use. Right now I use google maps. Aim. Jabplite. Vlingo. Opera mini and have been messing around with the newbolt browser. And the myspace app. I use the internet a lot too. Sms, email, pic and vid messages. Upload pics online and play games and listen to music and watch videos on it. I want a phone that is 3g. Has wifi. Gps. And that I can use aim. Email. Sms and mms and everything else I'm using on my curve. How do these 2 compare now after they have bee out for a while and have had many os updates? And can you go into the os on the iphone and delete cods out like you can on a bb? Any and all info would be loved

iPhone to Curve: Best Browser?

I love my blackberry, but after coming from the iPhone, the browser on the iPhone kills the browser on the Berry.

Is there any way to get tabbed browsing? What's the best browser? If I install a 3rd party browser, can I make it the default browser so links from emails open up when I click the link?


Sabtu, 18 Februari 2012

iphone out-apps the berry??

Wirelessly posted (8320 Curve)

So I was reading my trusted BBcool feeds on my BBF viigo when I saw an interesting feed today.

Iphone and bold head to head. They put the iphone better than the berry on the apps, but the bold killing it with better builds and features. Its pretty interesting....

BB vs Apple

I have a bold now, and i did think about getting the apple however now i have the bb i wouldnt change, i like the way it is very easy to update and fix.

One thing i dislike about apple is the way that they always bring out new models, i wonder will bb going down this route because i hope not..


Trading my Curve for an Iphone...

i'm devastated just to say this but it is now time to move from blackberry to iphone until RIM fix there issues...

The Blackberry OS WAS amazing... it is now a slow, buggy & a memory leaking POS. I believe that the 8700 was major milestone.... all the other 8 series devices are so terrible... such small incremental updates... with large price tags... I have had a chance to review the now delayed 9 series... even that was very unimpressive when compared to other phones already on the market...

Every piece of third party software that is any good you have to pay for... there are already over 1000 open source apps for iphone... there is an open source package that converts iphones email ability to function with push so RIM have so much work to do just to become even with these people....

I have been waiting for the 4.3 OS for so long yet it delivers nothing...

It's a sad day indeed.


May be back when the 10000 is released

Jumat, 17 Februari 2012

Google phone vs IPhone vs BB!

Those three cell phones seem to share some of the greatest cell phone technologies.
Also each has a unique techs.

I personally think BB is the most affordable and technologically advanced.

I wonder what your opinion is..

* I don't personally see the point of Iphone. What's the point of having a cell phone and a mp3 at the same time? It's total waste of money.

Blackberry Curve and iPod Touch vs. iPhone 3G?

I have been using the Blackberry Curve (8330) on Verizon for a while now, but keep finding myself awwing at the iPhone 3G.

Question: Does anyone use a Curve and iPod Touch combo to get rid of this "aww"?

I don't know if I should go to the iPhone completely.

Thanks in advance!


Apple's iPhone has half the failure rate of RIM's BlackBerry in the first year of use

From ZD Net...

Apple's iPhone has half the failure rate of RIM's BlackBerry in the first year of use, a study carried out by a mobile-phone warranty firm has found.

The SquareTrade study

Figures from the analyst firm Canalysys, released last week, showed Apple has now overtaken RIM in the global smartphone sales stakes.

SquareTrade had to project their figures for the iPhone's failure rate over a two-year period, as the handset has not been available for that long ? nonetheless, that rate came in at between nine to 11 percent. The equivalent failure rate for BlackBerry handsets was 14.3 percent, with the Treo coming in at 21 percent.

Breaking the figures down, the most prominent malfunctions for iPhone users appear to be touchscreen-related, accounting for a third of all reported issues with that handset. However, 12 percent of iPhone users reported accidental damage to their handsets within the first year of use ? the average for other handsets is nine percent.

"It's likely that any iPhone owner can guess the reason iPhone accidents are so common," the authors wrote. "After two minutes of handling an iPhone, it's impossible to escape noticing that the handsets are incredibly slippery. The form doesn't help, either. The dimensions make for a difficult grip, especially for those with small hands. These two factors conspire to make the iPhone more accident prone than just about any other handset model we've seen."

The report's authors also noted that fewer than half-a-percent of iPhone owners reported battery problems after a year of use, compared with around one percent for BlackBerry and Treo users.

SquareTrade's study did not take into account software issues handled directly by the retailer or fixed by firmware updates.

ZDNet UK has requested comment on SquareTrade's report from both RIM and Apple, but had not received it at the time of writing.

curve vs 700p

I'm deciding on whether or not to get a 8330. I have a 700p with sprint right now and it's been acting up like crazy lately..

I'm totally new to the BB world, so I have a few beginner questions.

-Does the BB sync with outlook? (contacts, calendar, etc)
-If yes to the above question, can it sync via bluetooth?
-I know that the phone is GPS enabled, but do I have to pay for the GPS service from sprint to be able to use it with a 3rd party app such as google?
-I read a review on CNET that said the call quality on the other end was a bit sketchy, is this true?

Kamis, 16 Februari 2012

Blackberry or iphone?

Hi guys,

I purchased a blackberry curve 8310 a few days ago and I love it. The only concern the I have is the expensive data plans that we have here in Canada. I am a Fido user and I decided to go with $40 7MB BB Data plan. I am a very casual BlackBerry user who uses the device manly for browsing and entertainment services. I know this is a blackberry website but i would like to ask this question; for a casual phone user, what would be the better choice, the blackberry or the iphone? with the iphone i can sign up for an $18 value pack that includes 12mb of surfing, voice mail, 2500 text messages and call display. Like I stated earlier, im a huge BB fan. Is it possible that i might like the iphone better? Waiting to read your thoughts.


Welcome to the BlackBerry Versus XXX debate forum

Post all of your BlackBerry vs. Other Device discussions here!!

Blackberry 8120 or iPhone


I am from Sweden, where backberry's hardly even exist.
Im going to Miami in two days and have been looking into buying an unlocked BB 8120. i know for a fact that the phone itself will work in Sweden, but as ive been looking around on the forum i was shocked to see that the Wifi might not work if you dont have a data plan?

The main reasons im buying this phone is the wifi and the GPS. Is there any way to make the wifi work without a data plan? I mean if the hardware is there, then it should be able to fix, or?

Thank you for your time!

Pick for me


I am currently a blackberry user, and enjoyed as well. My contact going to be up, so I am due for an upgrade. Peoples have probably asked this question thousands of times, which phone should I pick?

Currently, my cell phone provider is T-mobile and I have nothing but problems with them. Thinking about a possible switch to AT&T, since they have the Iphone, bold, curve etc. Well, I use my smart phone for emails, web browsing, and occasional I take it over sea for conference. But I do enjoy playing games on there once a while, so the time goes fast during airport lay over?s. Anyone can give me their expert advice on which phone I should get? Bold, Iphone 3Gs, or the curve?

Rabu, 15 Februari 2012

iPhone = Junk | Business | Security flaw exposes iPhone private data

Enough said.

iPhone 3G Wifi

With the Curve, you can use wifi if you don't have a data plan. Does this work the same way for the iPhone? I've heard people say that AT&T forces you to get a data plan in order to use a browser.

Novice...I'm buying device for paralysed 16yr old niece

My 16 yr old niece was just paralysed due to an injury vacationing at Kipu Falls in Hawaii. We are claiming a Miracle for her recovery (prayers are needed!).

I'm going to treat her to a device that she can use to text her friends and surf the web. I have no clue! I use just a plain old cell phone. We have Verizon and will add her to our account. Which BB should we get OR is a different device better for a 16 yr old's needs?

Thanks for any prayers and help.

pearl > iphone > curve!

So moving from my pearl to my iphone I am now back to blackberry and i love my new curve!

Selasa, 14 Februari 2012

BlackBerry Torch VS Nokia E72, features, usability, and functionality

A comprehensive comparison between Nokia and BlackBerry at:

Nokia VS BlackBerry | Features, Usability, and Functionality , focusing on the features, usability, and functionality between both. It's based on Nokia E72 Smart Phone and the latest Smart Phone From RIM BlackBeryy Torch 9800


iPhone firmware v2.0.2 just released

v2.0.2 was just released about 2 hours ago.

According to the usual unverified Internet rumor web sites, it fixes issues with 3G and dropped calls.

It weighs in at a nice 294mb, so fire up those high speed dial up lines NOW.

BOLD or new 3G iphone?

Just got an e mail from Apple that the new 3G iPhone will launch July 11th. Torn between staying with my BB and holding out for the BOLD or going with the iPhone....Decisions, decisions........Seems certain now the BOLD will launch after the 3G iPhone from AT&T. Guess this announcement cements the fact BOLD will launch after iPhone.

Goodbye, iPhone. Hello, Blackberry Bold

Well, it hasn't quite been a year but with the announcement of the new 9000, I'm ready to come back to the RIM fold. The iPhone is a lot of fun, but I find myself missing the productivity features and a real keyboard. If I used the iPod portion of the device more, I would have appreciated it to a greater extent. I don't, so it looks like the Bold has the perfect combination of features I'm looking for. Especially if I read the press release correctly that it would be able to render full HTML web pages.

Senin, 13 Februari 2012

blackberry at the bottom?

Wirelessly posted

Hi there I have a blackberry 8320 and I absolutlly love it but I want to ask how it's possible of the top 3 mobile platforms(simbyan,windows mobile,blackberry) just the berry left without a flash player(since the skyfire browser comes out) without free wi-fi only working voip skype and absoulutly ridiculous camera quality(mostly the video).

And there are answers like: 'if you want a good photos get an camera' or 'get an laptop for a voIP' or 'get the 30$ im+for skype'(skype is free after all right?) or 'don't forget that this is just a phone'.Everyone have it alredy why we don't. It's a fact Blackberry is going to stay at the bottom of the mobile platform market if there is nothing to impress the customers with.the wi-fi? is there a free wi-fi only working app for blackberry? How long we have to wait RIM?

BB vs LG vu (ATT)

got an LG vu when i switched to att.. i feel really bad about the change but im short on the green and needed a free phone...

so im comparing the two (BTW - im switching to the bold once i get more money... and htey release it on att...) but anyways, here is the comparison.


the berry comes onboard with all of these preloaded as the vu does. text/mms is easy physically, but the virtual keyboard makes things take a while to get used to. it also has a regular phone keypad which is a really nice alternative. the onboard IM clients are very simular but i fine the berry ones to be more reliable

now we all know that this is a no win for the vu. the clients were good on the vu, but didnt seem to run in the backround. also, IT DOESNT SUPPORT GMAIL!!!!!! what a HUGE bummer for me...

the ui is fit well for both devices, so there really isnt anything to compare

the battery life is fantastic on the berry. its pretty good with the vu, but goes fast when you are using data services. however, the vu runs on att's 3.5G HSDPA network. the added speed will reduce the battery life alot. i cannot make an honest comparison of these two because of the network difference.

i fine it very simple on the vu for just about everything. calander and such has less steps to set up... however, this also makes you lose alot of customization and stuff. also, i found how to COPY text but i cannot find for the life of me how to PASTE which is really really upsetting to me.

internet is very fast on he vu which is the oneHUGE thins the vu has over the berry

the bigggest thing the vu has over the berry is the 3G. other than that, everything is more business based on the berry and overall makes doing things easier.

the vu is a great phone, but the only thing i would say it has over the berry is the 3g like i already stated...

Blackberry vs iPhone 3G - The List

Hey guys, I'm a big Blackberry fan currently using a Pearl.

At my work, the company is trying to do a major phone upgrade for all managing positions (about 60 phones) and they want to get as high-tech as possible. Until now, all they use was regular cellphone, no smartphones.

Some Managers are suggesting the iPhone but my department is suggesting the BB. I want to come up with a list of reasons why the BlackBerry should be the way to go. I found this list online and I am posting it, I'd like your help to add more to this list so I could include in my report.

THE LIST (thanx to

-Blackberry has had GPS for years and the iPhone still doesn't offer turn-by-turn directions which, again, has been in the Blackberry for years.

-Blackberry supports cut and paste which is a big thing when you are trying to do business on the road and interact with two different colleagues about the same issue (or any number of other scenarios for that matter)

-Blackberry has a built in "To Do List/Task Manager" application that syncs with Exchange. iPhone does not.

-Battery life is much better on pretty much any Blackberry and that is of the utmost importance for a business user

-Blackberry's come with REMOVABLE BATTERIES. Most business people I know carry around a spare.

-Blackberry supports MMS (which I would assume is of almost no use to business users but still deserves a mention)

-Blackberry's support Video recording

-Almost all Blackberry's have better cameras (same 2 MP but with 5x Zoom)

-Almost all Blackberry's come with MicroSD slots

-Blackberry's sync technology is more mature. Assuming the iPhone is using ActiveSync which is licensed from Microsoft I can personally attest to the Blackberry having better sync capabilities.

-Blackberry has an excellent search function (which is paticularly good at searching through e-mail but can search the whole device if you need it). iPhone has none.

-Blackberry's support voice dialing, iPhones do not (though I've never been a fan of the feature)

-Blackberry's allow you to record quick voice notes, the iPhone doesn't (very important to a lot of business users)

-iPhone's bluetooth capabilities are crippled by Apple so that you can only use an ear piece. Blackberry can use any Bluetooth device and supports stereo sound

-Blackberry's can be used as a tethered 3G Modem for a laptop, the iPhone can not

-Blackberry is easier to use as a phone (iPhone takes several screen clicks to get to Spearker for example while Blackberry has one hardware button)
From what I can tell, the iPhone can't be locked down by administrators in the same way a Blackberry can

-The iPhone offers nothing (enterprise feature wise) above and beyond what a Blackberry can do. Organizations with a Blackberry infrastructure already paid for aren't going to switch to something that doesn't improve on anything just to use iPhones (believe it or not most companies would prefer their employees not have great web access on the road)

-Most Blackberry users use their phone for e-mail 95% of the time and the iPhone's soft keyboard is vastly inferior to every Blackberry I've ever seen.

-unless you purposely choose to turn the feature off the Blackberry alarm will sound even if the phone is turned off. For a business person using their phone as their alarm clock that sort of thing matters and little things like that are what make the Blackberry better suited for business users.

Begin Comparisons: 3G iPhone, BOLD, Xperia?

Who will take over this summer?
I'm not talking about iphone overhype super awesomeness i mean real functionality. The best all around phone ever will come out of one of these phones what are your predictions?

Start the controversy.

Minggu, 12 Februari 2012

Blackberry Loyalty...

Quick question to all of you BB users. I'm still not officially a BB user(my phone was lost through UPS) but I'm still looking forward to owning one. I see many other random BB users can't just keep hoping for mine to come in the mail. I ask them how do they like their phone, all I really get is "This phone really sucks" , "It's not that great". Yet when I come on this website I get an entirely different response. So... My main question why are you guys so loyal to the phone? Is it the fact that you have so many different options torwards the phone and they don't know about it? Or just because the phone really isn't that awesome?

BTW.. I'm getting the pearl.. nothing special.

Blackberry Apps Vs IPhone Apps !!!! Discussion

Ok, so i apologize but this is my complaint/question. My girlfriend bought me a iPod Touch for my birthday. I used it for about two weeks and returned it because i was getting ready to buy the Bold. I had a 8120, and had the itouch, which made sense because the iTouch was basically the iPhone without the phone. I love Blackberry's so very much, but to be able to utilize their full potential you have to BUY apps! This is where my struggle comes in. Ok, yes for a lot of apps on the itouch/iPhone you have to pay $.99 or $1.99, but compared to Blackberry that's dirt cheap. A lot of the applications are free!!!! That's right free!!! Where as the apps that come out for the BB that are free typically suck! This is a huge dilemma in my mind for people considering either Blackberry or iPhone. As a college student i can fairly say that it's uncomfterable and hardly affordable to buy a phone, and then spend an addition $200.00 in apps to take the full potential out of it. Just my complaint, and i'd really like to hear from others about this topic. Please let me know what you think. Am i wrong? Do you agree? Add something?

Thanks all,


Let's Compile a List: Why BB is Better Than Anything Else!

I've been a BB user for over three years. I chose BB after doing a lot of research, and I wouldn't bother using any other type of handheld device. I swear by BlackBerry!

I've often gotten involved in discussions with other mobile device users as to why the BB is better than any other type of mobile phone/PDA. I'm also often asked what sort of mobile handheld device a person should purchase, and I proceed to give them a rundown of the traits I believe make BB superior to any other device available. I know my reasons, but I have been wondering what other BB users would say that supports my assertion that "BB is BEST."

I usually tell people: "BlackBerries are true TOOLs. The rest are just toys."


How about sharing your own reasons why YOU think BB is Best? Your reasons should be based on quantifiable, OBJECTIVE traits and features that relate to efficient operation. Opinions on things such as "I like the colors on the screen" may be valid to an individual, but that's a subjective opinion with which another person may not concur. But, things like "BB has it's own network for processing data that makes it more reliable/efficient/secure" is a definite objective fact. Things like "BBs generally have superior battery life" would be definite points of interest.

I think if BB users contributed to this list, I'd suggest that this compilation be posted in the forum archives so that users could refer potential BB users to it. I'd even go so far as to print hard copies of such a list and give them to people who were considering a BB. I'd like to eventually compile this list after gleaning it from the responses.

My biggest reason for choosing BB is: "BB has its own proprietary system for handling data, and as a result, send/receives e-mail more efficiently and safely than any other type of device." (Note: I am under the impression that this is so, but if I'm wrong...please correct me!) I also believe BB does, indeed, have superior battery life versus other handheld devices. There are many, many other reasons why BBs are best.

"Friends don't let friends use iPhones."

Let's see what you have to say.............

Get Curve now or wait for Bold?

I have never had a BB and need some serious advice.
I'm one of those weirdoes that have stuck with Sprint for a long time (almost 9 years) and I don't think I'll be changing carrier anytime soon (as much as I would LOVE to get the THUNDER).
I?ve read every review I can find on both the Curve and the Bold, they both look so good and have more features that what I need.
Since I?m a BB novice, should I just get the Curve now or wait for the Bold to come out?


Sabtu, 11 Februari 2012

Thinking about trading my BB Curve for a HTC Mogul...

So when I originally started posting in this forum, I had a HTC Touch. I didn't really like the full touch interface that it offered. I had to switch and the only thing the Sprint kiosk had was a BB 8330. I love my BB but always like having a new toy. Someone on Craigslist wants to trade a HTC Mogul for an 8330 and I want to know what the Mogul features. I've done a little research BB's but anything is good right now!

Blackberry vs the competition

I was wondering what do you guys honestly think of the future of blackberry. With the iPhone and its exchange, push email, 3G, enterprise capabilities and the release of the SDk for 3rd party apps. Sony ecrisson and its highly anticipated Xperia x1 and HTC diamond/rapheal releases coming soon. do you all think blackberry has the power to keep up with these guys. With the mobile browser the way it is, media player and generic product line will blackberry be able to stay competitive?

Why Shouldn't I Switch to the iphone?

I finally used one for an extended period the other day. I was worried about AT&T's slow, EDGE service but the browser's interface is so superior that it almost makes up for the slow speed. I hear some rumors about its email pushing being not so hot, but I run a pop3 server at work.

I love my BB and have had it for 3 years, but the iphone does appear to be light years ahead of my 8703 and Alltel (my provider) will probably not have a similar BB product for 2-3 years.

Thanks for your input and help in advance...

New & Which One?

First off, this is my first to all the smart phones, been using a regular old cell phone, make a call-hang up.....
So, I'm looking into getting a smart phone of some type, have used a PDA in the past, also had a Garmin IQue 3600 ( GPS and PDA in one)....
What I guess I'm asking is for some insight to the Blackberry vs IPhone issue.
I'm not going to use it for business, personal use only...personal emails, web surfing and of course phone calls (doh). I'm not a youngster so impressing my friends is a non-issue too.
I want the phone to consolidate some devises and hook up to my Zumo 550 GPS on motorcycle with bluetooth function. I know nothing about the Blackberry other than it's one of if not the best devices out there....but will I use most of the functions and power of the Blackberry???? Or will I be better off with something like the IPhone?
I'm don't want to start a bashing of phones, just some honest opinions.
Also, can the camera function be deactivated????

I'm a gadget guy....and may see myself using more and more, but I don't would be nice if I could rent one for a month and see....yeah, that'll happen...
Anyway, thanks for listening to my rant and any insight would be appreciated...

Jumat, 10 Februari 2012

iPhone to Blackberry Converts...

Just wondering if there's kindred spirits on here.

Went from a common boring flip (after too many years than I care to admit) to a smartphone last week. First choice was an Apple iPhone before being disgusted after a few days and switching to the same BB (8310 Curve) that I got for my gf last Christmas.

My issues....

1) Battery drain was ridiculous. Literally two charges a day. Bought a very-protective case that apparently wasn't also battery-heat-friendly. Even had to cancel the WiFi for damage-control on the battery, which made streaming on YouTube a joke on ATT's current EDGE network.

2) Had to have the the fingers of an anorexic dwarf to make the keypad for texting, email, etc. reasonable. Too many annoying touch-keypad crossovers.

3) Customer-service finger-pointing between ATT & Apple was enough to make a consumer of both seriously contemplate a wrist-slit out of frustration.

4) Ringers? Don't get me Stock was predictably lame, and only the best-of-the-best hackers... with alot of free time on their hands....could go there when it came to circumventing iTunes in lieu of taking it in the arse with "approved" songs/ringtones.

So I returned the iPhone and got the same 8310 Curve that I bought my gf for of the best decisions I ever made in the tech-spectrum. Might be $15 extra a month on my ATT plan for RIM vs. an iPhone - but well worth it.

bb (recent) vs iphone vs Symbian (P800 era) vs WM

First of all, this is a very bad compasion, as of these platforms were coming out from different era. But I just wanna post my $.02 to explain why I get a bb even tho I'm not joining any bb plans.

* Symbian

Here's the story, my first smartphone ever was a Ericsson R380, it's a touch screen, "graftte" kind of input phone, I love it but simply no program to be installed.

Due to the love of the R380, so P800 was bought in immediately. It was a big hit, got a nice set of features, including a MP3 player, video player, Office viewer, etc etc.
The interface is superb, it is a device based on a Ericsson phone with PDA features, whereas PocketPC phones is based on PDA with ponky phone function. I used it for 2 years b4 the screen eventally breaks.

Then for a while, I have no smartphones. Got different fones from solely Ericsson (SE).


* Windows Mobile (PocketPC)

I had a hp hx4700 as my PDA to get online with GPRS phones connectied (with BT) one time, it was great, but then I notice there's a lot of maintenance work on the PDA, especially the RAM share w/ storage that kind of idea, I just dun get it why M$ implementing something like this. So I swear never get a smartphone w/ Windows on.


* iPhone

Then iphone came out. Cool, fancy, colorful, playable phone.
It was too expensive to get one (I'm in Asia, meaning paying $1000 for such).
Not only that, I notice it's got several big issues about this phone (as I heard, but I maybe wrong):

1. Bluetooth support non-existent, only Headset profile exist, aka no file transfer, no sync via bluetooth, no Dial-up to GPRS...etc, a reason why I stick with Ericsson phones instead of Nokias when initially Nokia does not support fully with Bluetooth.
And u can't Bluetooth for any PHOTO you took from iPhone. No point of sharing your photos with an iPhone. This is really one of the biggest impact on me.

2. No Copy & Paste, YES, I heard now it's got work-around with copy&paste with 3rd party program. But what the hell why I got this function back in 2000 with R380, while a 2007 iphone doesn't give a piece of function like this???

3. (minor) No Graftti; I know this is personal, but I simply so much get used to the hand writing from Symbian, or even Palm OS. With an onscreen keyboard u have to look at the screen and type in character one by one, while in some practice, you can handwrite with Graftti without stare at the screen all time.


So with no iphones, no WM phones, And Symbian fones from SE being too long to release a new one for me. I stuck with normal phones for a long time.

Until last winter I visited my fds in Canada who showed me the bb Curve 8300, I was impressed because of these:

1. Trackball, a trackball? Meaning a mouse cusor u can really click on the web browser, wahooo... (Something should've hp hx4700 PDA use instead of the faulty touchpad)

2. Interface, it is a big concern to me as I really respect a good, designed, easy but yet, technical interface that makes a device to work properly. In which bb gives me such a feeling of a professional interface. Symbian does this, iphone does it sort of entertainment way, and WM - NOPE.

3. It works. While I need to find utilities for WM in order to make it smoothly, I dun see a need to find a piece of software that's in utilities category for a bb.

4. Keypad, I love the keypad. After all, a touchscreen is just a fancy stuff, not practical for real work. U see why all professional video cameras are very expensive? Becoz they have buttons all around with it.
The keyboard design of the bb, u can tell, some work has really done on it.

So when Javelin just release, I simply buy it straight without any plans. Because I like the Blackberry by its reilable, handy-interface design, and simply, it just worked right out the box.

PS: Apologize if I have any typos and grammer stuff, along with such a long article in my 2 cents.

BerryBattle Civil War: Storm 2 vs. 9700 vs. 9630 vs. 8520 vs. 8530 vs. 8930

Picking a new future BB. Currently not using a BB, despite having three in the house. Basically my daughter uses a Storm, and somewhere around there is another Storm and a World Edition my wife ain't using or only when she travels.

I run two providers now, one with EV-DO and another with HSPA. So I can pick with at least one Blackberry in any of the two providers.

Both providers support Blackberries with fairly predictable lines. If they have it in the US sooner or later, they will have it here as well.

First level choice is touch screen vs. qwertyface.

There will be Storm 2s in both EV-DO and HSPA as well as qwertyfaces for both interfaces. If touch screen wins, next question would be to pick which version of the Storm 2, GSM or CDMA? (9520 vs. 9550)

If qwertyface wins, which qwertyface would be? (9700 vs. 9630) Should I stick with GSM/HSPA or go with CDMA/EV-DO? Should I go with high end (9700/9630) or low end (8520/8530/8930)?

9700 and 8520 vs. 9630, 8530 (8520 with EV-DO) or 8930 (8900 with EV-DO).

I tend to lean on the 9700, however, my EV-DO carrier gives better rates and I like their connection more. If I'm feeling skimpy, I would go with the Curves. I prefer having 3G over 2G. However, I feel that the EV-DO Curves might not have Wifi like the 2G GSM 8520. Its a question of 3G with no Wifi vs. 2G with wifi. The 9630 has the "edge" with the 2100 HSPA which can be very handy when I travel. I don't know if the 9700 would offer 2100 but the previous Bold did. 9630 has no wifi however, 9700 does.

I seem to like the optical navpad more than the trackball.


I use one carrier with 850 HSPA 3G and 1900 GSM.

I use another carrier with CDMA / EV-DO. I'm still debating over the relative performances of these two carriers, as both are not perfect.

I travel once in a while. The places I travel use GSM and 2100 HSPA.

I have wifi spots both at home and at work, not to mention I go to coffeeshops with Wifi.

Usage. Heavy on the following

IM, especially on Yahoo.

Kamis, 09 Februari 2012

htc touch... prepaid

I work at an electronics store that sells cell phones, data devices, etc. A few days ago a customer came into my store to buy a prepaid air time card for his htc touch, I found that kind of funny that he would have such a device on a pay as you go package. What's the freakin point! Lol. I found it amusing.

Which is more rugged: Iphone or Curve ?

Which one is more rugged in terms of resistance to scratches, falls etc, the blackberry or the iphone ?

BES vs Exchange ActiveSync

Not so much a BB vs iPhone question, but similar.

I have been using a blackberry for years now on both BIS and BES within my work environment. More recently I have been trying Exchange ActiveSync on the new iPhone as well.

The iPhone has some nice touches about it, I find it to be a better multimedia device, but the berry (8120, 8310 and in a day or two soon a Bold) is a more practical utilitarian device. I veer between the "I should keep my berry and get a touch" and "stick with iPhone despite some of the shortcomings" camp.

However, my question goes to the corporate email functionality of ActiveSync and Exchange vs BES, and I would appreciate some insight/advice from the more experienced here.

On the iPhone, for ordinary to light corp email, calendar and contacts, broadly speaking all seems fine and not too dissimilar in experience from blackberry (some plus points for each, some minus - lack of cut/paste, some occasional software lag and so on).

However, one significant negative on the iPhone and Exchange ActiveSync appears to be that, unlike the berry and BES, each time you want to forward an email from your inbox which has a sizeable attachment, your device (in this case the iPhone) has to send the full file, ie if you have an email with a 1mb attachment, your iPhone has to send a 1mb file in full. This is undesirable for me as it eats alot of data (particularly problematic if you're abroad), and also takes a long time (slowing the phone, occasionally freezing it for a bit, and a massive pain if you're in a hurry or in spotty coverage, like the underground or a train).

On a berry (at least on BES), when you get an attachment, you can forward it, no matter how large, in a second or two. My understanding of this is that your berry is not downloading the file (unless you want to take a look at it yourself), it simply forwards it on the server side, ie without having to push to the handset first.

Is there any way to mimic this on Exchange ActiveSync? more specifically on the iPhone? At the moment, it's the most problematic issue I am having with the iPhone, and one I can see being a massive problem at work if I was to substitute iPhone for berry, as we get pdf attachments to our emails often 2-5 mb in size from clients. When I forward them, I don't want to be sitting here forever when my berry just zips them across in a sec.

Thanks in advance.

Has anyone switched from iphone to a blackberry?

Any former iphone users decide to go with a blackberry instead? I am going to switch and I wanted to hear any of your opinion on it. What do you think about the Blackberry? Do you want to go back? Do you love it?

Let me know how you feel with the switch..

This also applies to BB users who went to iphone and switched back to BB. What are your thoughts?

Rabu, 08 Februari 2012

Leaving iPhone, going BB - Curve or Bold?!

Hey guys, I'm sort of new in the forum!

I'm currently in the search of a new phone, had my iPhone 2g for a few months now, but I'm kinda bored of it, 2.1 fw isn't the last wonder, it still has bugs, still call dropping, and it isn't 3g.

So decided to switch to bb's because of the blackberry messenger, many people here in Venezuela use it as a very powerful comunication tool, as well as the business features, and also looking for the reliability I used to have when I had Nokia's.

The big question, Curve 8320 or the new Bold? I like the slimness and light of the curve, the wifi, I dont use gps, but I understand the curve has blackberry maps and it works similar to gps services. The Bold has all that, new software and bla bla, gps + wifi, but that device is huge, so carrying that thing in your pocket must be a PITA.

Help me decide guys

BB 8900 vs I-Phone 3gS

I am hoping you guys can help me make an informed decision. I have had BB's for quite a few years and my 8900 is by far the best one yet. However my carrier, T-Mobile, had been giving me all types of problems the last 6 weeks and they are not sure how long till they can rectify their tower problems. So I am changing carriers to AT&T and with it need new phones for me and the wife, she also has a BB. The wifes company will pay for the phones, a nice perk, and she has her heart set on the new I-Phone 3GS. I have been trying to decide between a BB or the I-Phone. The only cons to the BB is no 3G and a slow web browser but the problem is only 1 con to the I-Phone I can think of and thats no MMS till September. Not a big deal because thats one of the issues I am having with T-Mobile so have not been able to receive MMS for a month. Any information or different way of looking at things would be appreciated. I hate to jump to the I-phone and miss out on something I'm overlooking. Thanks.

Blackberry vs Windows Mobile (would appreciate advice)


Im not a Blackberry user, but wanted to ask a question or two thats nagging me. Please be patient with me LOL

I have carried a smartphone for a number of years now. I have had a treo 700p, and recently purchased a XV6800 Windows Mobile 6.1 unit. I have also had various PDA's over the years, my favorite having been the Palm Tungsten, which was eventually stolen. I also had a Dell Axim PDA with Windows Mobile that I could connect to my phone via a wireless connection. Windows Mobile seemed clumsy to me, and I eventually went to the Palm Treo to have both units in one.

My phone carrier is Verizon and I am thrilled with them. The phone is a company issued device and we have an Exchange 2003 server which handles email, calendars bla bla bla. Syncing with the Exchange Server is a must for me. I run the IT department at my office so I have a better than good knowledge of IT issues.

I loved the Palm device because of its simplicity. It recently became less than functional, just worn out I suppose.

So I picked the XV6800 last week. I have it set up, yet there is something about it I dont like, but I cant put my finger on it. I dont like the tiny menus, and dont know why Microsoft seems to think that my phone needs to have the look and feel of a tiny PC.

Of course, it read MS Office documents natively. And I can remote access my PC if I need to. So thats a comfort zone for me, a PC user. I am not crazy about the slide out keyboard, its just a little clumsy for me. (Perhaps I should have picked out the Palm 750w?)

Windows mobile seems to tire easily and I hate the windows explorer browser.

But is the Blackberry better? My wife carries a BB Curve and its been reliable for her. She isnt what I consider a power user however. She checks PoP mail does some surfing, takes pictures, and thats about it.

I looked at the Curve, the Worldphone and the Storm. I didnt like the Storm at all. I like the look and feel of the Worldphone, but dont like that it doesnt have a camera. Not sure on the curve, but I do like the phones form factor.

So, being an inquiring mind, I thought I would ask the experts here.

Why would you recommend the Blackberry?
Is Blackberry here to stay?
Is the BB going to sync with my exchange server? (Verizon says that it will be using a service from verizon)
Is the Blackberry capable of editing office documents?
Are there things I can do on a BB that I cant on Win Mobile?
Would our organization benefit from standardizing on BB?

Please let me know if you think I would like the Blackberry, or if an upcoming BB would be better suited for me, or just stick with me Windows device.

Thanks in advance,


Iphone or Blackberry

Ok, I am a college student and I am just wondering in your opinion what you suggest I get. I love blackberry?s, but I also love the iphone. Like I said I really don't need this for business purposes and I love to browse the internet while in class ect. What do you think I should get?


Selasa, 07 Februari 2012

iPhone or Storm

Ok so it's down to an iPhone or a Storm, the big advantage for iPhone is the APP store, hows the Blackberry one coming? iphone has an application called 'ftp on the go' bassically an ftp client that allows uses to update websites! any news on whether they'll be one smilar for the Blackberry?

A little help please, curve or Treo 800W ?

I?m a Sprint customer; happy with the phones and service but very disappointed with in-store, phone, and web customer service. I?ve been in sales for about 15 years and use a Palm with Outlook to maintain contacts and communicate with customers/prospects. Obviously I sync my Palm with my PC and use MS Word and Excel daily therefore flawless operation of Documents to Go is essential!

I?ve been on the sidelines observing GPS and smartphones waiting for the right time to act and decided two weeks ago that time had come. I make some calls to Sprint tele-sales and low and behold got differing answers to the same questions; GPS, no GPS, GPS enabled, Google this, My Location that. The rate plans I was quoted were all across the board with nobody seeming to have knowledge of what each plan included.

With this array of misinformation scrambling through my brain I decided to venture into the local Sprint PCS store. The same store I had visited last summer to add two lines of service, the store that bungled my billing so badly it took two months to rectify. But, its 3 minutes away, what are you going to do? I?m greeted by a young lady who seems well-informed and with my criteria laid out for her she suggests the Centro. Sounded good, I told her I would be back. Spent some time that evening reviewing the Centro and was pleased with what I learned. The next day I returned to the store and ended up dealing with a different sales person, even more knowledgeable (I thought). After telling him I was in sales, needed to stay organized, wanted email and GPS, he too recommended the Centro. I took the plunge.

As we completed the transaction he mentions that I need to buy a $40 GPS receiver in order to get turn-by-turn directions accurately from my location. Didn?t see that as a big deal so I paid and left. Tinkered with the phone for a few days and evaluated GPS receiver options. The phone was actually quite nice, remember, it was my first smartphone, I was impressed. Outlook with the use of Beyond Contacts worked well, syncing with Bluetooth was a treat, and the ability to send and receive emails while on the road was incredible. However, the whole My Location/Google Maps was inadequate. I couldn?t get the phone to audibly notify me of emails no matter how many preferences I adjusted and the internet was OK, but at times bogged down to a stand still.

With that long winded preface out of the way, I currently have a smartphone (Centro) that works well, does a lot of neat things, but leaves me wondering if there is more. Hence, my search for the contemporary ultimate smartpone began. I?ve narrowed it down to the Sprint Curve 8330 and the Sprint Treo 800W. I?ve been researching the web, rifling through blogs and forums. If a review has been written on the Curve or Treo 800, I?ve read it. All this time I?ve invested (wasted) and I still can?t determine which way I should go.

Meanwhile back at the Sprint stores? I visited all but one Sprint PCS store in my city, now looking for guidance on upgrading my Centro. All but one representative said I should go with the Treo 800 and sited the following reasons: BlackBerry has a less stable operating system, there are more steps with a BB to access programs and features, can?t edit or create Word documents, fewer apps available for BB, no touch screen (dah), and in general the Palm is more user-friendly. All of these Sprint staffers owned a Palm (755 or below). The only rep who said BB Curve was the better choice had little credibility. He was young, ****y, non-phone carrying, and disrespectful. With most of the staffers recommending Palm without giving BB any consideration, I questioned their motivation. Was it fact based, did they get spiffs for selling Palm, or were they able to buy Palm cheaper for themselves? These store visits didn?t clear things up.

Back to the comparison. Both phones seem to offer similar features with the Treo having WiFi and the ability to text pics & files. My priorities are: reading & writing Word files, contact management with Outlook, turn by turn audible GPS, quality phone conversations, and relatively fast internet. Email on my Centro is more than adequate for my needs so I?m sure both Treo and Curve will be even better.

Some things I really like about Palm and am concerned I might miss with BB: include: touch screen; really like this feature, document facilitation and contact management, reliability; my Palm Tungston has been perfect for years and two weeks using the Centro has been flawless. Obviously I?m leaning toward Palm with one hesitation; virtually all techno-reviews (cnet, etc.) have rated the BB Curve higher than the Treo, both editor and user ratings are higher with BB.

If anybody has actually read my entire dissertation and can provide objective insight that will aid in my decision, I sincerely appreciate your input.

Thanks, Dave

Goodbye Blackberry?

I have been a BB user for 10 years now and currently use the BB Curve through AT&T.

With my company cutting back expenses they are requesting I switch fro BB to something like the Blackjack II which will allow me to still pick up Outlook emails but I will save by not have the extra costs of the BB Plan.

How dissapointed will I be with the Blackjack II and is there another option you would recommend?


BlackBerry vs BlackBerry

Just curious as to what your favorite model is? Or, why did you choose the one you own?..

(*Hope this was not put in the wrong spot..)

Senin, 06 Februari 2012

Blackberry Curve Versus The Blackberry Storm

blackberry curve is better than the storm in many ways.Storm has a slow processor and slow internet browser and also the phone freezes a lot...

The Palm Pre

Let me first start by saying I am the SVP of business development for a large telecom company in Europe and the Middle East. I am a hard core Blackberry fan...having a "ninja bold'...blacked out everything (which I love).
I had a rep come into my office today with the new Palm Pre. he had both the CDMA and 3G GSM versions with him. I got to play around with both for a day.
All I can say is WOW!!! This phone is amazing! The 3G version had a variable speed CPU that runs up to 1Ghz. The screen is the same (480x320) but at 3.1 inches...has more pixel density. The touchscreen is very fast...with no lag. The Linux based software is very fast...I experienced almost NO lag.
The interface is very cool and very intuitive. The slide out keyboard is a bit tight...and has gel like feeling to it. It doesn't have the "click" of the Bold's....but I could type very accurately and quickly with it. I was very surprised at the build quality as well. Very tight and clean.
I think it is going to be a great phone and will compete very closely with Blackberry...specifically with the 8900 and our 9000s.

Canadian user needs help...which phone, which provider

I'm in the market for a new phone/pda. I've been looking at the Storm, and iPhone, but I am open to other suggestions. When in Brasil, the phone would be used mainly for calls and checking email. In Brasil they have many GSM providers, but they do have one CDMA provider (Vivo)

Listed below are features I want/need in a phone:

*need a phone that I can use on a Canadian network with a Canadian number and also use in Brasil on a Brasilian network with a Brasilian number


*MP3/MP4 player


*Email (personal use)

*Text messaging

*Skype (not sure if this is possible)

*Web surfing

*I live in a rural community in Central BC, at the moment Telus is only 3G provider in our area, however, where my house is, I don't have any network coverage. Only in town. Our current providers are Rogers, Telus, Bell

*interested in buying an antenna that could allow us to receive cell/internet at our house in order to enable us to replace our current isp

Thanks in advance for everyone's help and patience with a newbie

Just got the ATT Bold. Here is a comparison to the Iphone 3g.

I've been using the ATT Blackberry Bold I got at the SF launch party since tuesday and here are a few comments/observations:

1) 3g reception and switching to EDGE etc is about the same as the Iphone. (clearly an ATT issue now.) ATT has disabled the option to turn off 3g on the Bold which sucks. On the Rogers model you can.
2) The UI is very fast. Everything runs perfectly in the background and opens instantly. Multitasking with Jivetalk etc is a much better exp on the BB even when push is released for the iphone. I will chat in JT go out to email, send an sms ,go to BB messenger, back to jivealk all with ease.
3) Battery life is decent but hard to judge since it's new I play with it a lot so its runs down faster.
4) screen is sharper then the Iphone because its the same resolution but smaller pixels
5) Voice quality about the same.
6) External speakers are awesome can use it to listen to music when in hotels etc. Best I have heard on a phone period.
7) Iphone has much cooler apps and is more fun to use.
8) The Bold still uses the Blackberry software that has been around for years where the Iphone is more innovative.
9) cam has a flash which is great when inside dark bar or club etc.

If I had to pick one it would be a very hard choice. The Iphone feels more solid, sexier, more innovative, much better browser, maps. Now that my Bold is breaking in the back is creaky when I type. The Bold smokes the Iphone when it comes to email, messaging, Jivetalk, copy paste, multitasking etc. I now reply to emails and chat with friends online with the Bold because the KB is so awesome. The iphone kb kills me.

My ATT sim is a Blackberry account so I love how I can switch back and forth and I get data on both devices just no visual VM. So I will carry which ever one I am in the mood for as i get my corporate email on both.

Just my 2 cents. Feel free to ask any questions. the Bold will be out Nov 4th for ATT.

Minggu, 05 Februari 2012

HTC Tytn II vs. Backberry 8820 vs. Nokia E90 - which to buy?

Hi Any Advice?

I am looking for a top-of-the-range PDA phone for business use.
(within reason, money no object).

I need:
1. Something easier to bang text in at speed (i.e. QUERTY keyboard I
guess), for emails.

2. Good Calendar function
(to synch with Outlook2003/ WinXP)
e.g. Can it show titles of everything I need to do this week in text
on 1 screen?
e.g. Can it transfer category/colour of entries?
e.g. Must synch properly so that I can delete/edit emails on either
my phone OR my PC

3. Web Browser
e.g. Can it *zoom* so able to see whole web pages even though
looking through low res (e.g.320x240) screen.
e.g. able to see dynamic web pages (.aspx etc, not just .html)

4. Also must have the basics:
Must have Blue tooth (for headset/car use),
fit inside fairly small trouser pockets, reasonable battery life.

5. I like: scrollwheels, and touchsensitive screens, and some sort of
scratch protection for the screen (although they seem to have gone
slightly out of fashion). 3G sounds fun but not critical. GPS
to work well enough to be useful. Camera likewise not much use unless
v good...

- any thoughts?

Phones I am considering

HTC Tytn II vs. Backberry 8820 vs. Nokia E90

Yes the HTC Tytn II looks interesting but:

1. It's a bit heavy (at 190g - whereas the Blackberry 8820 is 134g)
2. It's a bit fat (at 1.9cm - whereas the Blackberry 8820 is 1.4cm)
3. It doesnt have separate number keys.

Does anyone know if you can zoom using the browser
(on either of these phones? - iit's just that I imagine viewing
a web page on screens that are quite so low resolution [i.e. 320 x
would be a real pain!

To be hones if I'm going for something that fat and that heavy
I would be tempted to go for the new Nokia E90 Communicator
(210g and 2.0cm thick), which has a clam-shell design and a much
wider internal screen (800x352). I gather it's keyboard may be no
easier to use though despite being much wider in design because
they are rather stiff.

Of course what I dont know is how well the various software
all works in practice! I am committed to using Outlook2003 on my PC
and it would
be nice to be able to synch properly with that (e.g. category/colour
of dairy items being transferred?).

Any thoughts?

Shiperton Henethe

I have been using a Sony Ericsson P910i for a couple of years, but
its synching software was *diabolically* unreliable so I dont want
to go do SE ever again.

Built in camera & GPS would only be of marginal use to me. But I am
UK based, and what I cant quite work out is what networks I will be
to get where I live... Any one know how I can check 3G, GPS, HSDPA[?]

If Bold does not come out soon, this may be an option

I have been waiting and waiting on a Bold but I just saw this: Link Here


Blackberry BES vs. iPhone ActiveSync - re: Enterprise Standpoint

I am the BES Admin with my company, which is in the banking industry. We currently have about 140 devices deployed. Several members of our management team would like to get the iPhone instead of the Blackberry.

From an enterprise standpoint (NOT a personal preference standpoint), what are the advantages and disadvantages of staying with BES only vs. adding ActiveSync to the mix?

Some of our initial thoughts are focused around:

1. Security of data on the device (obviously we handle very sensitive financial data)
2. Supporting iTunes (what will this add to our desktop support load?)
3. Increased administration responsibilities (user setups, troubleshooting, etc.)

Does anyone have any case studies available for this topic? I would really like to find an industry-specific study on this if it is available. When Googling this topic, I find a lot of generalities, but not much in the way of specifics.

What are your thoughts on all of this? Thanks in advance for everyone's input and ideas!

8900 Curve Vs HTC Diamond (Win 6.1) - Both used concurrently

Hi all,

First post on here....

Have been a Windows Mobile user for about 4-5 years odd now. But recently have also acquired a Curve from work.

Don't want to judge the BB too much just yet (only had it a few days).

Initial thoughts:

* BB navigation is probably faster.
* WinMo still prefer the email (work and personal) functionality. Probably because of fact that we use Microsoft platform at work - similar feel with Outlook and Pocket Outlook.
* WinMo loads more options for customising- ROM upgrades, [free] themes etc.
* WinMo has far more software available, many which are free.
* BB battery is better.
* WinMo The 'Today' screen is very useful for checking things at a glance and very customisible.
* A few other differences.

As the BB is for work and my Diamond is personal device, I will have to use both. But if I were to have a single device, at the moment it's still got to be my Diamond

Still trying to search for decent software apps for the Curve. Mainly interested in 'productivity/utility' ones. So far have only got Pocket Informant installed.

Sabtu, 04 Februari 2012

Looking to move from T-Mobile Sidekick to Blackberry

Hi, I'm new here as you could see I've registered today.

I'm really, really fed up with my Sidekick as if I'm paying $30 monthly for nothing. I'm not gonna call T-Mobile for credit back every time I get a crap service from them. It's been going on since October, maybe before...

I'm looking to move on to Blackberry, but I'd like to know if I should stay with T-Mobile and get Blackberry instead of Sidekick?

I use AIM a lot, I use emails for work as well, and I can use text. But I don't talk on phone at all. So I should be looking for basic plan at $29.99 monthly? Will that plan work with AIM, etc?

I'm aware of JiveTalk or however you name it, because they work better AIM implented on Blackberry already. $20 one time fee, more people.......

But my question is should I stay with T-Mobile and get Blackberry? Or go with Sprint Blackberry?

I'm looking to try to keep the cheapest monthly as possible.

Blackberry Curve Vs. Nokia E90 (stricly business and more pleasure)

Hey guys,
we already know the capabilities of a blackberry curve and soon enough for those who havent got a clue.
Im aware that the bb curve has a more solid role in most businesses allowing users to access emails on the go aswell as surf net with unlimited downloads and uploads depending on your subscriptions with a flat monthly payment. Including plenty of other options. However, it still has it limitations interms of handling greater media related processing capabilities, low built in memory, amd poorer display compared to that of other mobile phones such as the E90..Ofcourse the E90..mhh you know what ill let you guys do the talking..coz in my opinion that phone has almost everything you can think of that a mobile phone can ever have...ofcourse i chose to bring up the e90 along side the bb curve coz they both dont use a touch screen and are more like pda's. I gotta admit though, i respect the fact that blackberry phones have excellent battery life which brought me 1 step closer in making my bb a life time companion

So go on and have your say..personally i wouldnt just rely on mobile reviews that i google on the net. So i prefer to make a better judgement based on your (the friendly&trust worthy users of bbforum)experiences, somewhere at the bottom of my blackberry invaded heart i still have that urge to get my hands on the E90, but im here to pluck that out once and for all. So i need your help and so that i dont end up broke,lool..

internet browser BB vs iPhone

I was curious, will the BB ever rival and compete with the iPhones browser? I was using the browser at the mac store today and it looks really good. I just can't deal with touchscreen keypad. I am a heavy emailer and need my physical keys.

Verizon: BlackBerry Curve vs. HTC Touch Pro and/or Diamond

I have a BlackBerry Curve with Verizon and am more than pleased with all the features and ease of use, and most of all: the physical keyboard. I got the LG Dare the day it was available online, and yeah it was fun for a day or two, but the "touch screen" was awful in comparison to the iPod Touch/iPhone. Which brings me to my next point... I have been following HTC phones for the past few months, and now that the HTC Touch Pro is available on Verizon I am considering upgrading... or waiting for the Touch Diamond in January, and then upgrading. So for those of you who have HTC touch screen phones: is the screen comparable to the iPhone's? If you have the Touch Pro: how is the keyboard? Any problems with Windows Mobile? Can it compare to the BlackBerry Curve?
Verizon's Touch Pro is only available online and won't be in stores till Dec. 1, and the Touch Diamond won't be released till January, so I'd need to start saving my money now! (Touch Pro is $419.99 WITH new 2yr )

(Note: I am a college student and do not need to use the phone for business purposes, just pleasure.)

Jumat, 03 Februari 2012

Palm Pre

just heard about the Palm Pre, released soon???

Did Apple Really 'Sell' 1 Million iPhones To End Users? Nope.

Did Apple Really 'Sell' 1 Million iPhones To End Users? Nope.

Posted by Eric Zeman, Jul 15, 2008 08:58 AM

That nice, shiny press release that Apple issued yesterday failed to point out one important fact. Apple counts "sales" as any device it has sold to wireless network operators such as AT&T (NYSE: T). The network operators then re-sell the devices to actual end users. According to analysts, only 425,000 end users bought iPhones over the weekend.

Yeah, how about them apples, Apple? Piper Jaffray analyst Gene Munster had calculated the actual number of 3G iPhone sales to be less than half a million. He came to that number by surveying stores on Friday, July 11, and figuring out how many new iPhones were being activated each hour.

His initial projections on Friday came to 28 new iPhones per hour per store. Based on the number of stores and the number of hours they were open, he estimated 425,000 units sold to end users over the weekend. He also suggested that it would take Apple a full 17 days to reach the 1 million mark. So why the discrepancy?

Fortune reports, "One explanation for the discrepancy may have to do with how Apple counts sales. Sales at Apple Stores are recorded at the register. But sales to its partners -- in this case, AT&T and the overseas carriers -- are recorded when the devices leave the loading docks in Asia. In other words, some of those 1 million iPhones recorded as sold by Apple may still be in transit."

Apple has sold one million iPhones to its customers. Some of its customers, such as anyone who bought an iPhone at an Apple Store, are actual end users. But many are not. Some customers are network operators, and Apple would be bulk-shipping hundreds if not thousands of devices to them. Apple may not have explicitly stated who it sold 1 million 3G iPhones to, but the implication was that one million people bought iPhones.

So thanks, Apple spin machine, for your interesting statistics and take on what a "sale" actually is.

Did Apple Really 'Sell' 1 Million iPhones To End Users? Nope. - Mobile Blog - InformationWeek

Blackberry functionality vs Nokia

Hi. Whilst BB is great for email, its phone functionality falls short when compared to a Nokia. A few features I would like to see:

1. Add number/address/etc to existing contact WIHOUT having to copy, edit and paste.

2. When sending an SMS to a group, the group should auto expand allowing you to delete some members of the group (as a once-off). You might have a general group that you usually send messages to, but on a specific occasion, you might not want to send to 1 or 2 of the group members.

Kamis, 02 Februari 2012

iPhone 3g outsold all RIM phones last quarter

since the release of the iPhone 3g Apple sold 6.9 million, RIM sold 5.4 million. I know Blackberry still has the Bold and Storm and to come out but is anyone worried at all. I mean ONE phone beat blackberry whole lineup and and Blackberries are on more networks also

AppleInsider | Apple iPhone 3G sales surpass RIM's Blackberry

BB vs. WM

I am still having a hard time deciding between teh BB Storm and a WinMo device such as the Omnia on Verizon. We do not have BES at work and I know everyone on this forum will be favoring BB. But if I could get some honest pros and cons from those that have used both, I would greatly appreciate it. I always see people on blogs saying how bad WinMo is but I have not been able to find WHAT is so bad about it. Thanks.

Which One to Choose? The Blackberry 9000 Series

From this date to one year from now it appears blackberry will have at least 4devices in the 9000 series. The 9000 (bold)-the powerhouse with pretty much every feature, the 9100 (kickstart)-a flipphone blackberry, the 9300 (javelin)-a "safe mode" blackberry, and the 9500 (thunder)-an exclusive full-touchscreen design. All with different service providers and varying release dates, I am curious which device is worth waiting and spending the money for? My vote is for the Bold because I am a fool for all the little bells and whistles plus it seems the most text friendly. The kickstart doesn't have the full qwerty keyboard-a must for me, the Javelin I don't really understand but appears just to be a lesser version of the bold and having practiced typing on the iphone, I am canceling out the thunder because the touch-screen keyboard isn't compatible for my big hands. I have voiced my opinion but what are forums' users opinion on which new phone will rein supreme?

Iphone 3g Vs Blackberry Anything

I am writing this thread as a previous Blackberry Curve, and pearl owner. I noticed there are blackberry die hards all over this site and being a previous owner of one and now the owner of a Iphone 3g I wanted to confront those who love to " hate " on the Iphone. I ask you people this.... What on earth does ANY blackberry do that the iPhone doesnt do already or do 10x better?

Lets go down the list. Iphone goes up to 16gigs of available memory when you cant even expand the memory using a micro sd card on the blackberry to that big. So right there the iphone destroys the blackberry in available space to use for mp3's or photo's ect.

Moving on to size and design. First thing everyone who has a blackberry is going to say is the iphone is fragile. Yes ill be the first to say it is more fragile then a blackberry so if your looking to beat the hell out of your phone and not have a case for it then no its not the phone for you. But i see most blackberry users treat there phones as if there godly so i see no reason why it being a bit more fragile would be a problem. If anyone trys to say the iphone is not better looking then any blackberry even the bold ( who copied some of its design from the iphone ) has to be in pure denial. Blackberry has kept the same crude boxy design and change the colors and curves slightly with each phone but essentially keeping the boring ugly brick format. there latest innovation in years was moving from a track wheel to a track ball.

The internet. This is where the iphone single handedly blows the doors off any blackberry. First off the screen on the blackberry is so tiny and the graphics look like atari compared to the iphone. the webpages are modified and i dont care if its 3g or not ( which still isnt out yet for blackberry ) it will not look nor load the same speed as a iphone which is built for internet use. web pages come up fluidly and fast and identical to a pc rather then the 2 and half minute wait to get a shambled version of a webpage on a blackberry.

Next is all the affordable and extremely usable 3rd party and apple apps. you can download them right from your phone anywhere and for usually a reasonable price. unlike blackberry who requires u to hook up a cable to ur pc to download a 20 dollar alarm clock program

so what is the last hoorah for the blackberry. CORPORATE EMAIL. most people sign themselves up for it in the company to seem important barely using it but lets discuss this as if you really did need it and use it. Iphone now supports corporate email however not all companies are on to it yet so it may not be available. but once it catches on n it will, what happens to blackberries sole purpose? does the corporate email make the blackberry so great when it gets blown out on every single other option and feature? can someone please justify how they hate on the iphone and think the blackberry is so much better?