Jumat, 10 Februari 2012

bb (recent) vs iphone vs Symbian (P800 era) vs WM

First of all, this is a very bad compasion, as of these platforms were coming out from different era. But I just wanna post my $.02 to explain why I get a bb even tho I'm not joining any bb plans.

* Symbian

Here's the story, my first smartphone ever was a Ericsson R380, it's a touch screen, "graftte" kind of input phone, I love it but simply no program to be installed.

Due to the love of the R380, so P800 was bought in immediately. It was a big hit, got a nice set of features, including a MP3 player, video player, Office viewer, etc etc.
The interface is superb, it is a device based on a Ericsson phone with PDA features, whereas PocketPC phones is based on PDA with ponky phone function. I used it for 2 years b4 the screen eventally breaks.

Then for a while, I have no smartphones. Got different fones from solely Ericsson (SE).


* Windows Mobile (PocketPC)

I had a hp hx4700 as my PDA to get online with GPRS phones connectied (with BT) one time, it was great, but then I notice there's a lot of maintenance work on the PDA, especially the RAM share w/ storage that kind of idea, I just dun get it why M$ implementing something like this. So I swear never get a smartphone w/ Windows on.


* iPhone

Then iphone came out. Cool, fancy, colorful, playable phone.
It was too expensive to get one (I'm in Asia, meaning paying $1000 for such).
Not only that, I notice it's got several big issues about this phone (as I heard, but I maybe wrong):

1. Bluetooth support non-existent, only Headset profile exist, aka no file transfer, no sync via bluetooth, no Dial-up to GPRS...etc, a reason why I stick with Ericsson phones instead of Nokias when initially Nokia does not support fully with Bluetooth.
And u can't Bluetooth for any PHOTO you took from iPhone. No point of sharing your photos with an iPhone. This is really one of the biggest impact on me.

2. No Copy & Paste, YES, I heard now it's got work-around with copy&paste with 3rd party program. But what the hell why I got this function back in 2000 with R380, while a 2007 iphone doesn't give a piece of function like this???

3. (minor) No Graftti; I know this is personal, but I simply so much get used to the hand writing from Symbian, or even Palm OS. With an onscreen keyboard u have to look at the screen and type in character one by one, while in some practice, you can handwrite with Graftti without stare at the screen all time.


So with no iphones, no WM phones, And Symbian fones from SE being too long to release a new one for me. I stuck with normal phones for a long time.

Until last winter I visited my fds in Canada who showed me the bb Curve 8300, I was impressed because of these:

1. Trackball, a trackball? Meaning a mouse cusor u can really click on the web browser, wahooo... (Something should've hp hx4700 PDA use instead of the faulty touchpad)

2. Interface, it is a big concern to me as I really respect a good, designed, easy but yet, technical interface that makes a device to work properly. In which bb gives me such a feeling of a professional interface. Symbian does this, iphone does it sort of entertainment way, and WM - NOPE.

3. It works. While I need to find utilities for WM in order to make it smoothly, I dun see a need to find a piece of software that's in utilities category for a bb.

4. Keypad, I love the keypad. After all, a touchscreen is just a fancy stuff, not practical for real work. U see why all professional video cameras are very expensive? Becoz they have buttons all around with it.
The keyboard design of the bb, u can tell, some work has really done on it.

So when Javelin just release, I simply buy it straight without any plans. Because I like the Blackberry by its reilable, handy-interface design, and simply, it just worked right out the box.

PS: Apologize if I have any typos and grammer stuff, along with such a long article in my 2 cents.

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